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Cosmo Sheldrake – The Moss / Solar

There’s a lot to be said for being frivolous. Art doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful, and indeed if we want to get confused and convoluted meaningless can mean. But let’s leave that. On 21st April paradYse Records present the debut single by 24 year-old London-based multi-instrumentalist and producer Cosmo Sheldrake.
Cosmo describes The Moss as “an ode to nonsense for its own sake”. Invoking many of the classic figures of nonsense literature, Cosmo embarks on a peg-legged jaunt, draping finely woven vocal harmonies over an underbelly of electronics, strings, and an Armenian Duduk. Sussex pubs, touring with Johnny Flynn, and autumnal vibes have all influenced the gentle fun rollock.
Touring Europe now, and well worth a visit.


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