Opening in an explosion of euphoric dark disco, Coves new single You’re Evil bristles with rocking glitchiness and crisp dirty guitars, soaring and stomping through its three minutes with tempestuous brilliance. Beck Wood and John Ridgard wrote the new album having left Leamington Spa for London and whilst on the road with the likes of St Vincent and The Raveonettes. According to Wood, it’s aimed at ‘people that I used to know who shat on my dreams or were two faced.’ You’re Evil stomps sonically as well as lyrically on those naysayers, a hedonistic and nihilistic ode to not only following your dreams and but ravaging them. Both You’re Evil and forthcoming album Peel are released on 1965 Records on April 1st 2016, and the band will be celebrating with a show at London’s Victoria Dalston on April 6th.