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Introducing – The Death Of Pop

The Death Of Pop @ La Grieta Radio

Introducing, ha, like no one else has heard of them. Anyway… Despite being born in the eighties, The Death of Pop presumablyly didn’t manage to listen to much of the decade’s output at the time, but that doesn’t stop The Smiths, The Cure and My Bloody Valentine infiltrating their sound. Their music is full of enough vintage to sound familiar and deliriously direct, whilst adding in current influences and their own sounds to sound relevant. In fact, enter their own genre ‘janglegaze.’ Bournemouth based, brothers Angus and Oliver James formed the group at the beginning of the year but have already been making waves. What A Day is heart on the sleeve melancholic jangly pop (despite their name)and is The Smiths would sound had they formed in 2012 rather than 1982 and Let Me Drown almost kicks off with a surfy vibe before its eighties synths start to infiltrate and take over. Current single Tell Me My Name is full of dreamy atmospheric splendour, and even upping the pace at just before a minute and a half doesn’t result in a loss in languid loveliness. Laugh Now I’m Weak is dreamy and lulls you into a awkward sense of remorse, but it is Sun In My Eyes that is most likely to capture ears at the moment, all hazy shoegaze that simultaneously functions with clarity and candour. Ones to watch.

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