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It's Amazing!

Given the chance to hang out an Amazing Towers, have a cuppa with Chris Martin and wax lyrical about some new music, It’s All Happening were there. It’s Amazing, the round table show, invited Francesca from It’s All Happening and Lucy from DIY Radio and Roundhouse Radio, with the task of selecting the best of the best, a selection which included the lush soaring A Kingdom from Lanterns On The Lake , the grunge glamour of Gross Magic‘s Yesterdays and the tetchy country from the beautiful voice of Laura Gibson and Le Grande. Opinions changed throughout, well though arguments being swept aside in favour of compelling emotions and rousing riffs. Who won? Listen in….
Sharks Took The Rest – Rename The Planets
Courts – Roll For The Sun
Young British Artists  Everything In Front Of You
Lanterns On The Lake A Kingdom
Laura Gibson La Grande
Theo Altieri – If Only We Knew
Gross MagicYesterdays

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