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Oberhofer – Gotta Go

Released on January 9th 2011 on Coperative music

Reviewed by Francesca Baker

Gotta Go is the latest charmingly skewed and ramshackle output from the 20 year old Brooklyn rising star. Brad Oberhofer’s  deep voice sounds as though it comes from a  mouth with a sweet firmly lodged in it and the resulted sonic waves are being transmitted through cups with string. I hear a slight festive feel, but given that this was released in the US back in October, it maybe that’s just overindulgence catching up on me, hearing mince pies in everything and hallucinating candy canes. A catchy chorus that is suitably sing along able to, and some White Lies style guitar builds, this is a song that is sure to dispel some of those January blues.
Oberhofer – Gotta Go by Cooperative Music

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