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The Janitors – Drone Head

Slow building buzzy affairs, Swedish duo The Janitors and their tunes, available for you now on new album Drone Head, are surprisingly catchy for such druggy looping riffs. Death Song bursts with vibrancy in a way that reminds of tamer The Wytches and Long Way Back has an actual sing along chorus, perfect for driving. Mesmerising and absorbing, they take a single sound or sonic couplet, repeat to fade, adding in all sorts of glitches and gloops and loops, a la Do It Again,  to keep your attention as you and they gaze into the haze. Don’t be fooled by the or the shaking skiffle on A-Bow – it will erupt, and when it does it’s the finest stomping song you have heard in at least thirty years. Final track on Drone Head is called Nevereverism which sounds like a great name for the tready trippy shoegaze psychedelia sound they have. Now we have a name, the scene must be along soon. 
[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=2717219757 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 notracklist=true]

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