Released December 1st 2011
Reviewed by Francesca Baker
I expected a band called Ziggy The Rabbit to sounds like the offspring of Tigger from Winnie The Pooh and the short one from Klaxons, all tripping guitars and concussion inducing beats, glowsticks in the air, bouncing off the ground. Instead, album Winter is full of vibrating gruff vocals, at times, all delivered in the style of a retired yee-hah rocking back and forth on a wooden porch, his voice grated by years of whisky and bourbon and overblown sincerity . It’s not all bad. Trees opens with an almost Catalan twist of the guitar and the brooding intensity of Scarecrow elevates the emotional level reached on this record. Lush creeping glides of the guitar on Mountain Song are a delight, and Lights Out pleases by being a ballad by numbers. Flashes of potential like this serve to baffle me further as to what Ziggy The Rabbit were hoping to create with Winter, as the majority of the album is delivered with a self conscious melancholy, in a mock country accent, full of advice to see you through life, son. Ta, but I’ll do without.