Not everything that makes its way over the big pond is a glorification of all things supersized and corporate with its eyes focused on dizzying dollar signs. Record Store Day, founded in 2007 in the States is a celebration of everything that you don‟t get from walking into an HMV, MVC (do they still exist?) and the like. It‟s a day focused on the unique culture that exists in independent record shops, and more than fifty plus record shops across the UK will be taking part by holding gigs, signings, events, parties…basically doing what they do best, and giving their shoppers brilliant music.
Each trip into a record store staffed with people who love music, filled with genres from across the years, around the world, and permeating tastes is started by a deep breadth that literally floods your lungs with love for music. It can be a solitary escape, or an exploratory trip to untold wonders. Therapy and comfort, a going home or a challenge. The new discoveries may ignite a little party in your heart, or a big party in your home. Whether you are immersed in yourself or opened to new music, discover hidden gems of yesteryear or the next big thing, are made to laugh, cry, or everything in between, going to the independent store is a rewarding experience, leaving an emotional imprint on your soul, not just a monetary dent in your wallet.
So come April 17th, and every day before and after that to be honest, get off your PC, out of the house, and wander down to your indie.